When you think of Nevada, your brain probably goes straight to Las Vegas and gambling. There is so much more beyond that, however.
The state has beautiful landscapes and is definitely unique.
According to Mentalfloss, here are five things I bet you didn't know about Nevada:
1. It's filled with gold.
- We all know that California is nicknamed the Golden State. But did you know that most of the gold in the United States actually comes from Nevada?
2. It has an official state grass.
- There are only 18 states in the country that have an official state grass. In Nevada, it's Indian ricegrass, which is a popular food for bison, jackrabbits, and humans on gluten-free diets.
3. Reno is farther west than LA.
- I know... I was shocked too. Technically, Reno is located farther west than Los Angeles.
4. Prostitution is legal.
- Nevada is the only state that has legalized prostitution in some form. In Nevada, it's legal in the form of regulated brothels in counties that have populations greater than 400,000.
5. Alcohol is sold 24/7.
- There is a statewide law that allows the 24-hour sale of alcohol from bars, restaurants, and stores.